Bae Doona: 'I Taught Korean Language to Wachowski'

Actress Bae Doona, who has debuted in a Hollywood movie with her appearance in the movie "Cloud Atlas", said, "I once taught the director, Wachoswki, the Korean phrase 'Dae Bak' (meaning excellent), and then the director always said 'Dae Bak' when we filmed the movie".


Bae Doona recently finished filming the movie and she revealed through the distributing company Bloomage on December 27, "I learned many things while filming this movie. As it was an extraordinarily exciting experience for me, I feel sorry now after finishing the movie". She also talked about stories with other cast members. She said, "The actress Halle Berry had to put on special makeup as an Asian woman and spoke the Korean language, and I taught her how to speak the Korean language. At that time, I was greatly surprised about her excellent Korean pronunciation".

A science fiction blockbuster, "Cloud Atlas" will be produced with a budget of 120 million dollars (103 billion Korean won) and it will be co-directed by the Wachowski brothers, who became popular with their hit movie "The Matrix", and the German director Tom Tykwer, who is famous for his movies such as "Run Lola Run" and "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer". Bae Doona will appear as one of the main characters in the movie along with other star actors such as Tom Hanks, Halle Berry, Susan Sarandon, Hugh Grant, Ben Wishaw, Hugo Weaving, Jim Broadbent, and China's Zhou Xun. Bae Doona will appear as the protagonist in the episode with the background of Seoul in the year 2144 and appear in other episodes as well. "Cloud Atlas" will be released at around the second half of next year.