Charges on Park Yoo-chun cancelled, bar waitress, "Everything was nice at the time"

While waitress 'A' reported JYJ Park Yoo-chun for rape, another waitress from the same bar made a statement.


TV Chosun "News Breaker" talked about the issue with Park Yoo-chun.

An interview was had with a waitress from the said bar.

The waitress asked what the problem was and the waitress said, "Usually we go out for round 2 but this time round 2 happened in the bathroom. You don't usually get paid for having round 2 in the bathroom".

"If the atmosphere isn't great, then the customers and waitresses don't hang out together because the customers usually ask for the waitresses to get changed".

The question, "Why did the waitress make such an accusation?" came up and the waitress said, "Because he didn't take her out for round 2 and finished in the bathroom".

Another waitress was asked how she saw this matter and she said, "It's not rape. If it was, we would have heard the scream from outside and we have a lot of people working here".

Detective Baek Ki-jong from the Soo-seo Police Station said, "If 'A' wasn't raped but only said so because of her individual feelings, it only makes out that she sued him under baseless evidence so it would make her guilty of calumny. Calumny faces a heavy penalty".

Meanwhile, Park Yoo-chun's agency made a statement:

"This case has made Park Yoo-chun a criminal just because he is a Hallyu star and because several media reported false accusations without checking the background for more information. This is an example of, "Don't ask or never mind" media play. Even when he was sued by the so-called victim, we asked the police to find out the truth behind this. When reports about this came out on the 13th, the police investigations weren't even going on and nothing was official. However, baseless reports started pouring out and in one day, our side had been affected severely. We aren't fighting with the victim but with the media".