Dream of Sleeping in a Traditional Korean Home? Hanok Homestays Make it Easy

Photo Credit: Passion84Photos @Flickr

We already introduced our readers to hanok – beautiful and environmentally friendly traditional Korean houses – in another blog post. Today we want to tell you about how to experience staying in one. It isn't just an opportunity to admire a beautiful home but also to learn about Korean customs and culture.


That is why the local government in Seoul's Jongno district launched a program called Hanok Homestay, which gives visitors the chance to stay with a registered homestay family and gain knowledge of Korean language and other parts of the culture that are difficult to acquire as an ordinary tourist.

The program's website has in-depth information about the homestays and also has a reservation page! You can find out what types of activities are available at the house and also the language proficiency of the family. You can also check whether or not the family owns any pets, an added bonus for animal lovers or people who are allergic to cats or dogs.

Apparently there is also an iPhone app for Hanok Homesay that provides directions and more information on each of the houses in the program.

About the author by Sophie Choi

Born in Korea and raised on three different continents, I have always been enthusiastic to share the uniqueness of Korean culture and design. On top of that, the advanced level of Korean technology makes me proud to call myself Korean and motivates me to spread technology related news to more people around the world. The list of things I like (and like to do) is endless: Shopping, Gummy jellies, Lilies... and it goes on

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