Film "Typhoon" to Be Distributed in U.S. thru DreamWorks SKG

The film "Typhoon" directed by _Kwak_Gyeong-taek will be distributed to North America next year through DreamWorks SKG, a major American distributor.

An official from CJ Entertainment, a distribution agency, said on Dec. 20, "We reached an agreement last week with DreamWorks SKG, a major distributor in Hollywood, on the distribution of 'Typhoon' in the American market. According to the agreement, the film will be screened at American and Canadian theaters through DreamWorks SKG's distribution network. We also agreed to continue talks on the distribution's timing, the number of theaters, and other terms and conditions."

CJ Entertainment sent a 50-minute "promo tape" of "Typhoon" to DreamWorks early last month, and will deliver additional marketing materials which are necessary for the screening of the film in the United States next year to the American distributor by late this month. Director Kwak Kyung-taik will visit the United States next month to discuss this issue.

Kim Joo-sung, president of CJ Entertainment, said, "We will be able to distribute the film in the United States through DreamWorks thanks to the mutual trust we have built with the American distributor over the past ten years. We expect to have additional opportunities to introduce Korean films to American audiences, with the distribution of 'Typhoon' in the American market lending momentum."

CJ Entertainment established a branch in Los Angeles in March this year to make inroads into the American market.

Meanwhile, DreamWorks SKG, whose films are being distributed in Korea by CJ Entertainment, was founded jointly by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen in 1995. Its ownership has recently been handed over to Paramount Pictures.

An official from CJ Entertainment said, "The acquisition of DreamWorks by Paramount has not affected our relationship with DreamWorks."
