[HanCinema's Digest] Culture Corner

Jeju's 'mermaids' revealed, the "Fight against MERS", South Koreans win DARPA robot challenge, and amateur writers making things happen for themselves.


"Diving with the last generation of Korea's Mermaids"

As part of the Across Women's Lives, PRI featured Korea's 'diving mermaids' around Jeju island who suit up and plunge up to 60 feet to catch abalone, conch, octopus and seaweed. Incredible women, indeed.

…READ/LISTEN ON PRI: http://www.pri.org/stories/2015-06-10/diving-last-generation-korea-s-mermaids

"Fight against MERS"

South Korea is suffering the MERS outbreak with more cases anticipated. Here is an editorial from The Korea Times commenting on the current health crisis: "To some assurance, the public seem less fearful and prepared, if a bit paranoid. A recent Gallup Korea poll found that 58 percent of Koreans believed MERS will subside in a matter of days".

…READ ON THE KOREA TIMES: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/opinon/2015/06/202_180781.html

"South Korean Team Wins DARPA Robotics Challenge"

A team of South Korea engineers (Team Kaist from Daejeon) walked away with the top award at the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals. The team was awarded $2 million for their robot that "…performed the best across a series of eight tasks relevant to natural disaster response, which included tripping circuit breakers, climbing stairs and walking through rubble".

…READ/WATCH ON TIME: http://time.com/3911829/darpa-robotics-south-korea/

"Literature meets social media"

There's a great new trend happening among Korea's young writers. A group of amateur writers in South Korea are using social networking to help promote their literature, and so expand youth readership and their stories. These 'SNS poets' (social networking services) are breaking the traditional publication pipeline to publish and showcase their creations in this tough digital era.

…READ ON THE KOREA TIMES: http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2015/06/142_180769.html