[HanCinema's News] Choi Sung-kook Soon to Marry Much Younger Bride

This coming November 5th will see the marriage of Choi Sung-kook to a non-celebrity twenty-four years his junior. Choi Sung-kook himself is fifty-one years old. As Choi Sung-kook has discussed the upcoming wedding on variety shows, and sent invitations to co-stars and staff on these reality shows, his agency Management Yul had to make a statement on the matter. Purportedly some of these invitations had to be returned, possibly due to moral disapproval.


However, Management Yul neither confirmed nor denied these rumors, instead implying that the timing of the wedding was the only issue. In statements to the press, Choi Sung-kook has said that since obtaining permission for marriage, he has been working constantly to make sure that the event goes off without any trouble for the past two months. Choi Sung-kook has denied that his girlfriend is pregnant.

Choi Sung-kook has also noted that he has little reason to lie about his girlfriend being pregnant. After all, he has been quite open on variety shows about all other aspects of the marriage that paint him in an negative light, most obviously the age difference and the difficulty he has had obtaining permission to marry her. Because of the stressful work involved, Choi Sung-kook says he has no romantic statements to make at the moment, and will more likely have one after the wedding.

Choi Sung-kook explained that he met her while traveling with younger friends in Busan. He claims to have met her at a pizza cafe. At that time, he noticed her legs were severely bitten by mosquitoes. Choi Sung-kook offered to give her some mosquito cream, which he had on him at the time. He then asked if she'd like to be his food friend, as he was only a visitor to Busan. Choi Sung-kook stated that if he had not asked her this, he was sure he would regret it.

At that time she was twenty-three years old. Choi Sung-kook claimed to not realize the age difference was that bad, figuring she had to at least be twenty-eight, only learning the truth on her following birthday. Choi Sung-kook also said the decision was not a sudden one, and that he'd been wanting to marry her for some time. The last scripted project Choi Sung-kook appeared in was "The Best Chicken" from 2019.

Written by William Schwartz