More Companies, Celebrities Join Effort to Fight Coronavirus

The Chosun Ilbo and TV Chosun donated a combined W170 million to the Community Chest of Korea on Thursday to cover the costs of sending masks and dispatching medical staff to Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province, the two areas hit hardest by the coronavirus outbreak (US$1=W1,215).


Celebrities also continued to make donations to support the virus-ridden areas. Former figure skater Kim Yu-na donated W100 million to Kyungpook National University Hospital. Actress Kim Hee-sun donated W200 million and Oscar-winning director Bong Joon-ho W100 million.

Former basketball player and TV personality Seo Jang-hoon, singer Lee Ji-eun and actors and actresses like Jung Ryeo-won, Lee Seo-jin, So Yu-jin, Son Ye-jin and Song Joong-ki donated W100 million each. Lee Ji-eun also supplied 3,000 protective suits for the virus worth W100 million to the Korea Medical Association.

Former baseball player Lee Seung-yeop, whose hometown is Daegu, donated W50 million to join efforts in helping the city to get through the crisis.

POSCO, which has its headquarters based in North Gyeongsang Province, will donate W5 billion. Korea's largest Internet portal Naver donated W2 billion to the Community Chest of Korea and GS Group W1 billion.

A growing number of companies are offering other forms of support. Telecom company KT will reduce rent by 50 percent for small business owners at its buildings in Daegu and North Gyeongsang Province for up to three months. For those in other areas, it will lower rent by 20 percent, or up to W3 million per month.