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[New Movie] "Chilli and Banana"

Korean movie "Chilli and Banana" added to HanCinema database

"Chilli and Banana" (2021)

Directed by EROPING

With Yoon Yool, Alex-I, Woo Yeol,...

Do-jin is a poor self-employed man who acts as an errand boy for his big brothers. He falls in love with Eun-ha at first sight when he first saw her at the camping site where he went to play with his seniors. Do-jin gets a part-time job as a massage therapist to pay the overdue rent. On the day he visited the mansion, Dojin found out that Eun-ha is living with a foreign professor.
Eun-ha sends a signal to rescue her from being secretly held as a sex slave.

No release date in Korea yet