[Spoiler] Added episode 11 captures for the Korean drama "Protect the Boss"

Added episode 11 captures for the Korean drama "Protect the Boss" (2011)


Directed by Son Jeong-hyeon

Written by Kwon Ki-yeong

Network : SBS

With Ji Sung, Choi Kang-hee, Hero, Wang Ji-hye, Park Young-gyu, Jang Ah-young,...

16 episodes - Wed, Thu 21:55
A romantic comedy drama about the lead character becoming a secretary after all complications and falling in love with a handsome superior.
Previously known as "The Boss Has Changed" (보스가 달라졌어요, Bo-seu-ga Dal-la-jyeott-eo-yo ) and "The Last Secretary" (마지막 여비서, Ma-ji-mak Yeo-bi-seo)

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2011/08/03
