[Spoiler] Added Episodes 15 and 16 Captures for the Korean Drama 'Let's Watch the Sunset'

Added episodes 15 and 16 captures for the Korean drama "Let's Watch the Sunset" (2018)


Directed by Jeong Ji-in, Kim Sung-yong

Written by Jeong Ha-yeon

Network : MBC

With Han Hye-jin, Yoon Sang-hyun, Yoo In-young, Kim Tae-hoon, Lee Na-yoon, Lee Mi-do,...

32 episodes - Wed, Thurs 22:00 (2x35min)
Also known as "Hold Me Tight"
The story of a married couple who have lived as each others' companions for half of their lives, hand in hand. Together they face death and look back on the life they have lived, rediscovering themselves and their pasts.

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2018/03/21
