[Spoiler] "Good Day" Park Se-young looks at Lee Sang-woo affectionately

Park Se-young looked at Lee Sang-woo as if she's into him.


It seemed like Jeong Da-jeong (Park Se-young) was changing her mind from Seo In-woo (Kim Hyeong-gyoo-I) to Seo Jae-woo (Lee Sang-woo).

She cried in front of Seo In-woo and said she couldn't like him anymore. However, it seemed like he was falling for her already.

Seo In-woo invited his neighbors and Jeong Da-jeong for a night out; Jae-woo, Da-ae (Hwang Woo-seul-hye), Da-in (Ko Woo-ri) and Hyeon-bin (Jung Man-sik) joined them in drinking and karaoke.

In-woo showed her his feelings by taking care of her throughout the night. She couldn't take her eyes off Jae-woo when he was singing. He was thoughtful and mature in contrast to In-woo. She looked at him with an expression which revealed that she might be falling for Jae-woo.