[HanCinema's Digest] Food Lover's Lane

Would you send your man to a "Happy Guy Cooking Class"?, enjoy your coffee at a "poop-theme" cafe, see how Jeju Love is redefining the cafe experience, and the Eat Your Kimchi crew take on LA's K-food scene.


"In paternalistic South Korea, 'sexy cooking men' break kitchen barrier"

Here are some pictures from the "Happy Guy Cooking Class" that took place in Seoul at the end of July. Is a man who can cook sexier, and is he sexier if what he produces is mouthwatering? MmmMmm…

…READ ON REUTERS: http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/08/07/us-southkorea-gender-cookingclasses-idUSKCN0QC0JW20150807

"South Korea's poop-themed coffeeshop"

Personally, I can't handle anything gross while I'm eating, but knowing how uncomfortably cute Korea can make a piece of poop look, this might not be as bad as it sounds. And who doesn't enjoy a great cup of coffee!

…READ ON DANGEROUS MINDS: http://dangerousminds.net/comments/south_koreas_poop_themed_coffeeshop

"Hands-on love-making at Jeju cafe"

If you didn't notice form that last post, it takes something special given all the coffee shops around to attract customers. In South Korea's stunning Jeju Island, a social enterprise is turning to the community and artisans to help redefine the term cafe with their "novel combination of handmade cosmetics, health foods and, more predictably, hot beverages".

…READ ON THE JEJU WEEKLY: http://www.jejuweekly.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=4695

"Is Food in Korea Town Legit?"

There are many "Korea Towns" around the world, but do they serve authentic Korean cuisine, the kind you're likely to find in Seoul, Busan, to Jeju? In this episode, the Eat Your Kimchi team visit David Choi and Jen's favourite K-Town food joints in LA to find out…

…READ/WATCH ON EYK: http://www.eatyourkimchi.com/is-food-in-koreatown-legit/