Im Sang-soo's "The Taste of Money" sold to IFC

Director Im Sang-soo's "The Taste of Money" distribution rights in North America has been sold to IFC.


This movie shows the corruption of rich people with sex, authority and killings. Kim Kang-woo appears as the assistant of Youn Yuh-jung's chairman husband Baek Yoon-sik and acts as her sex toy.

"The Taste of Money" is a follow-up to Im Sang-soo's "The Housemaid - 2010" and was reviewed as, "A movie that portrays rich people as bad and not just some cheap Korean movie which seems fancy on the outside".

The right to TV drama and movie remaking of "The Housemaid - 2010" was sold to Brazilian Conservancy (AFC). AFC is collaborating with San Paulo Bosanova Films to create a Brazilian version of "The Housemaid - 2010".

"The Housemaid - 2010" starring Jeon Do-yeon was a remake of Kim Ki-young's original "The Housemaid - 1960" about a housemaid of a rich family cajoled humanly and sexually by the married couple. IFC imported this movie and screened it in America too.