Jung Bo-suk Makes Political Statement

Actor Jung Bo-suk made a statement criticizing the political community.


On the 23rd, Jung Bo-suk posted a photo on his Instagram, saying, "Following the whereabouts of Gosan Yun Seon-do, going through Nokudang and Bogil island".

In the photo, Jung Bo-suk is taking a picture on Bogil Island. It is cloudy, but Jung Bo-suk looks bright. Jung Bo-suk feels the scholar's spirit as he travels from Nokudang to Bogildo Island.

Jung Bo-suk said, "The rise of scholars without compromise. Will it be beneficial or painful for the people? We need someone to embrace us now, not battle!"

On the other hand, Jung Bo-seok starred in the KBS2's weekend drama "Homemade Love Story".