Kim Sa-rang loses 4 Kg while filming


Actress Kim Sa-rang has lost weight.

She's lost weight although her schedule for the JTBC drama "My Love Eun-dong" wasn't as hardcore.

The reason is anxiety. She's always been anxious throughout the making of the drama as she never let go of her script. Even when it wasn't her time, she would analyze the script. Therefore, she didn't eat much and naturally, her weight declined.

A member of staff said, "She was very conscious about everything as it's been a while since her last drama. She found stability once she lost weight but she's still in her 40s. However, she's been working out regularly so she's still healthy".

Kim Sa-rang plays Joo Jin-mo's (Ji Eun-ho) first love and ghostwriter. She appears to be pure and neat in the drama. She is a character who lost her memory due to an accident and slowly recovers them.