[Korean Drama Spoiler] 'Ping Pong Ball' Episode 1 Screenshots Added

Added episode 1 screenshots for the Korean drama "Ping Pong Ball" (2018)


Directed by Kim Sang-ho-III

Written by Park Ji-won

Network : jTBC

With Yoo Jae-myung, Ji Soo, Choi Kwang-il, Lee Hyun-kyun, Seo Dong-gab, Jung Young-ki,...

2 episodes - Mon 23:00
It is a unique buddy drama about a young university student and a mysterious homeless person bonding through their struggles and experiences with unfulfilled past loves. It is based on a webtoon by Jo Geum-san, whose previous work, "Out of the World", was the basis for OCN drama "Save Me".

Broadcast starting date in Korea : 2018/09/17
