Korean technology developed lifelike 'digital actor'

Lifelike 'digital actor,' motion character with computer graphic has been developed in Korea.

Digital Content Team (Head Lee Man-jae) of the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI, President Yim Chu-hwan) has announced that yearly KRW 7.2 billion of budget has been invested to the 'development of lifelike digital motion content software' research project since 2003, and now core technology of the high quality computer-generated special effects is developed.

ETRI introduced the results at the 5th Busan International Film Commission and Industry Showcase (BIFCOM) on 11 October during the 10th Pusan International Film Festival.

ETRI explains that this digital actor technology will enable alternate real actors or performers using CG characters.

On this research project, four research institutes including nXen Technology and Seoul National University have participated.

According to Dr. Lee In-ho, head of Digital Actor Research Team, "By way of showing an example, the technology is applied to large-scale commercial content being developed at the moment. And we will try to help many companies use this new technology as soon as possible".

The Source : Koreacontent News Team
