Middle Schoolers Spend Longest Hours at Crammers

Middle school students spend more time studying outside the classroom than high school students even though they face no immediate prospect of university entrance exams.


The main reason seems to be that middle schools have more or less given up on their task of educating pupils since they know that many of them get their education from crammers anyway.

The Population Association of Korea surveyed 6,408 elementary, middle and high school students in 2014 to gauge how long they spend studying and where.

Middle school students spent an average of 203.2 minutes studying outside the classroom but high schoolers only 189.2 minutes and elementary schoolkids 151.7.

That includes both crammer attendance and homework.

Statistics Korea data last year also showed parents of middle schoolers spent the most on crammers.

Those of elementary schoolkids paid an average of W231,000 a month, those of high schoolers spent W236,000 and of middle schoolers W275,000.

There is still considerable demand from middle schoolers preparing to get into prestigious high schools or for advanced lessons in math and English", said Yang Jung-ho at Sungkyunkwan University. "Public schools can't address this need so parents are turning to crammers".