"Oldboy" Holds Brazil in Thrall

The movie "Oldboy" has caused a sensation in the largest Brazilian city of Sao Paolo. "Oldboy" opened in three Sao Paolo theaters last week and has captivated Brazilian audiences with its dramatic plot and violent scenes. It drew over 5,000 viewers in just one week to the Espaso Unibanko Theater, which accommodates some 150 seats and shows mostly cult movies.

Brazilian moviegoers flocked to this theater last weekend as well. The movie has become so popular that theater managers opened a special hall for "Oldboy", apparently with the intention to keep the movie showing for over three months.

Cineclick Asia, which monitors the movie's overseas sales, says "Oldboy" has drawn much attention even in areas where Korean movies are typically unpopular, such as Latin America and even Africa. It also added that the important point is not the number of viewers who saw "Oldboy" but the fact that people in various corners of the world were able to see it.
