[Photos] New Stills Added for the Upcoming Korean Documentary "Until the Stones Speak"

New stills added for the upcoming Korean documentary "Until the Stones Speak" (2024)


Directed by Kim Kyung-man

The Jeju April 3 massacre in 1948, five women's life has changed forever. All of the women were just about twenty years or so at the time, and four of them were sent to Jeonju Prison. The violent madness during the Jeju 4.3 not only took the lives of a tenth of the entire Jeju Island population, but also turned the innocent young ones to prisoners even without any trial. It was only seventy years later that they were acquitted through a retrial. Listening to the experiences of those who were imprisoned without trial during the Jeju 4.3, especially as women, the film reveals the stories of the unspeakable loss and tragedy.

Release date in Korea : 2024/04/17