Rain Books Stalker Without Detention, Goes to Eat in Hong Kong

Singer and actor Rain showed off his handsome visuals.


On the 29th, Rain said on his Instagram, "I couldn't pass by". He posted several photos of what he has been up to with the post, "What do you eat while working #hongkongwaffles #notinkorea".

In the released photos, Rain is enjoying a delicious eating trip in Hong Kong. He also attracts attention as he boasts an amazing visual.

Earlier, A in his 40s, who is suspected of causing anxiety by visiting Rain and Kim Tae-hee's home in February, knocking on the door, and visiting the hair salon they use in April, was reported to have been indicted without detention on the 27th.

Meanwhile, Rain and Kim Tae-hee married in 2017 and have two daughters.