[Spoiler] "The King Loves" Im Si-wan leaves for Lim Yoona and Hong Jong-hyun

On the latest episode of the MBC drama "The King Loves", Eun-san (Lim Yoona) was on the brink of death after drinking poisoned tea.


She had been kidnapped by Song-in (Oh Min-suk), but Wang Won (Im Si-wan) and Qinglin/Wang Rin (Hong Jong-hyun) saved her with the antidote. Then, Wang Rin killed Song-in with a bow and arrow.

Won, San and Rin had never been apart since they'd met and never thought of doing so. However, they were slowly preparing to say goodbye to each other. Wang Rin told Eun-san, "I don't think I'll be able to keep the promise of being able to be with you wherever you go". Wang Rin also told her he'd had a crush on her since they were young and wanted to make her his. He said, "I am letting you go now so don't even look back".

Wang Rin then told Wang Won to make the announcement to catch Wang Rin for there would be evidence on his body to the Banwon Party. He volunteered to be the head of the Banwon so that Wang Won could take the credit. He was shot by an arrow.

Wang Won said, "It was an honor being your friend".

However, Wang Rin and Eun-san lived in secret in a village in the north. Wang Won handed over the throne in seven months and didn't return from the Yuan Dynasty for ten years.