"Wang Xizhi" director compliments Kim Tae-hee

Chinese drama director of "Wang Xizhi" appraised Kim Tae-hee's professionalism.


According to a media report, Zhou Xiang Rin couldn't say enough about Kim Tae-hee who was working so hard for the Chinese drama.

"She's pretty and talented". He said she was very professional.

"She's always practicing calligraphy every day, revising her lines and doesn't procrastinate. She memorizes her Korean lines but also her opponent's Chinese lines to foresee their combination. She's also very respectful as she bows hello to everyone on the set every day".

Meanwhile, Kim Tae-hee is playing the role of Sirui, Wang Xizhi's wife in the 40 part drama "Wang Xizhi". She is his life's partner and the one who helps him to become a calligrapher,