A Petty Middle Manager

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A Petty Middle Manager

Korean Movie | 1961

삼등과장 | sam-deung-gwa-jang


Directed by Lee Bong-rae (이봉래)

Written by

105min | Release date in South Korea:

Goo, a branch manager of a transport company, is asked by Song, an executive of the company, if he can turn the second floor of the branch into a dancing school. Song's mistress Myeong-ok will run the school, he says. Goo does as Mr. Song wants, and is promoted to the head of the welfare division of the headquarters. Goo's daughter, Yeong-hee, who recently got a job at the company, happens to see Kwon Oh-cheol of the welfare division spending time with Song's mistress. She shares what she saw with many people at the office, spreading rumors. But as it turns out, Kwon and Myeong-ok are related through marriage and grew up together. When Yeong-hee sees them together, Kwon persuades her to end the relationship with Song. One day Song, arguing with his wife, says that Myeong-ok is Mr. Goo's mistress. Mr. Song's wife tells this to Goo's wife, and the two women storm into Myeong-ok's house, where Song is taking a bath. Goo's wife sees that her husband did nothing wrong, and Myeong-ok decides to end the relationship and to go back to her hometown. Yeong-hee apologizes to Mr. Kwon.



A Petty Middle Manager

A Petty Middle Manager
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