Wife's Double Life

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Korean Movie | 2021

회원 전용

Directed by Choi Chan-ho-II (최찬호)

68min | Release date in South Korea:

(Uncut) 89min | Release date in South Korea: 2021/09/03

Yoonju used to be a glamorous model but got married in a hurry due to the persistent courtship of wealthy man Jeong-hyeon. Even though she becomes financially rich, Yoon-joo is lonely every night because of her husband, who is busy with business and goes on business trips most of the time. With the introduction of her close junior model friend Eun-jeong, she starts working as a photo model again, which leads to a sexual affair with the young photographer Ji-won without her husband's knowledge. Then, when her husband returns home, she goes back to being a good housewife. Yoon-joo is a greedy woman who is loved by her husband but also wants to have fun with her new sex partner at the same time. The journey of her double life begins.


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